Tor Titan

Multi Function Meter | Power Monitoring Unit

Tor Titan is a compact power monitoring unit that tracks 68 electrical parameters, including power quality and harmonics, with advanced transient analysis. 

With advanced connectivity, scheduling, and PLC functionality, it integrates seamlessly into industrial IoT systems for efficient and reliable performance.

Industry coverage

Commercial Buildings & Infrastructure
Data Centres & IT Facilities
Oil & Gas

Key Features

68 parameters

Tracks 68 electrical parameters including
voltages, power factors, and harmonics for
real-time monitoring

Built in Wi-Fi with Native Connectivity

Supports WiFi, BLE, RS485, and Ethernet to
enable seamless IoT and cloud integration

Advance Transient Analysis

Event-based analysis captures detailed 30-second snapshots for root-cause investigation

TFT Display | Compact Design

Features a 3.5” TFT screen that provides real-time data visualization and historical trends

Digital Logbook

Eliminate manual data logging with Tor Titan mobile app which automatically syncs the energy consumptions data

Built in Scheduling

Includes digital inputs/outputs and RTC functionality for schedule-based automation and event triggers




ElectricalTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
Voltage Range50V – 500V (AC 3 Phase 4 wire, 3 phase 3 wire)50V – 500V (AC 3 Phase 4 wire, 3 phase 3 wire)50V – 500V50V – 500V50V – 500V50V – 500V
Aux Power Supply range65V – 450V AC/DC supply65V – 450V AC/DC supply65V – 450V AC/DC supply65V – 450V AC/DC supply65V – 450V AC/DC supply65V – 450V AC/DC supply
Current Range0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)0.05A – 5.0A (20% Overload)
Frequency45Hz – 65Hz45Hz – 65Hz45Hz – 65Hz45Hz – 65Hz45Hz – 65Hz45Hz – 65Hz
Accuracy Class0.5S0.5S0.5S0.5S0.5S0.5S
Short time over current200% for 10 Sec200% for 10 Sec200% for 10 Sec200% for 10 Sec200% for 10 Sec200% for 10 Sec
ComplianceTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
StandadrdsIS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31IS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31IS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31IS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31IS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31IS 14697, IS 13779, IEC62052-11, IEC62053-22, IEC62053-23, IEC 61010, IEC 62053-31
MechanicalTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
Dimensions (W*H*D)96*96*41 mm96*96*41 mm96*96*41 mm96*96*41 mm96*96*41 mm96*96*41 mm
TerminalsPlug InPlug InPlug InPlug InPlug InPlug In
MountingPanel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)Panel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)Panel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)Panel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)Panel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)Panel Mounting, Din rail (Optional)
EnvironmentalTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
IPIP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)IP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)IP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)IP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)IP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)IP54(front facia) ; IP 20 (at terminals)
Insulationmin 10 MOhmmin 10 MOhmmin 10 MOhmmin 10 MOhmmin 10 MOhmmin 10 MOhm
Impluse withstandRefer to standard Refer to standard   
Operating Temp10 to 75 deg C10 to 75 deg C10 to 75 deg C10 to 75 deg C10 to 75 deg C10 to 75 deg C
Storage Temp0 to 85 deg C0 to 85 deg C0 to 85 deg C0 to 85 deg C0 to 85 deg C0 to 85 deg C
Humidity95% RH95% RH95% RH95% RH95% RH95% RH
CommunicationTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
ModbusRS 485RS 485RS 485RS 485RS 485RS 485
Baudrate9600 to 115200 settable9600 to 115200 settable9600 to 115200 settable9600 to 115200 settable9600 to 115200 settable9600 to 115200 settable
WIFINAIEEE 802.11 Wireless networkNAIEEE 802.11 Wireless networkIEEE 802.11 Wireless networkIEEE 802.11 Wireless network
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)NABLE 5.0NABLE 5.0BLE 5.0BLE 5.0
CT/VTConfigurable via RS485Configurable via RS485Configurable via RS485Configurable through Joystick and BLEConfigurable through Joystick and BLEConfigurable through Joystick and BLE

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InterfacesTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
Analogue InputNANANANA2 Numbers (0-500 ohms and 4-20mA )2 Numbers (0-500 ohms and 4-20mA )
Digital InputNANANANA22
Digital outputNANANANA22
Counter Input (0-1000 Hz)NANANANA1 (based on DI)1 (based on DI)
Hour MeterNANANANA3 Numbers (1 voltage based, 1 current based, 1 DI based)3 Numbers (1 voltage based, 1 current based, 1 DI based)
DisplayTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
ScreenNANAColour TFT 3.5 inch (320*480)Colour TFT 3.5 inch (320*480)Colour TFT 3.5 inch (320*480)Colour TFT 3.5 inch (320*480)
Additional FeaturesTitan 211Titan 212Titan 311Titan 312Titan 313Titan 411
Transient Analysis over WIFINANANANANA1 sample @20 msec over WIFI
R,Y,B phase voltages
R,Y,B phase currents
Phase wise power factor
Phase wise Vthd
Phase wise Ithd
Titan mobile appNAAndroid and iOSNAAndroid and iOSAndroid and iOSAndroid and iOS

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Tor Equip

Telematics for OEMs

Tor Loco EV

Electric Vehicle Telematics

Tor Shield

Utility Management System

Tor Loco HE

Construction Fleet Management System

Tor IoT Platform

Industrial IoT Platform

Tor Apollo

Device Management & Configuration Tool


Monitor and manage your construction fleet with ease to improve traceability and productivity.


Get complete insight into utility equipment like Energy, Genset, Water & HVAC functions and monitor their real-time status, resource consumption & maintenance schedules.

Electric Vehicle

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Mining and Contracting

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Warehouse and Logistics

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